A collection of works by Hiroshi Takai, a resident of a rural area in Hyogo Prefecture, who is engaged in farming and also works as a photographer. The name of the book was coined by him by combining "yato," which means "farming in a valley-like terrain," and "januke," which means "mudslide. His city was hit by torrential rains on August 16-17, 2014. The landslides and floods caused by the record-breaking rainfall caused extensive damage, including complete and partial destruction of houses, and left a huge scar on the agricultural industry. This book captures the city's recovery from the damage. It contains both respect for nature, which usually provides us with bounty, and traces of the damage that nature caused. The book is an impressive collection of images of the unique landscape of satoyama, where nature and human activities coexist in harmony, captured on 6 x 6 black-and-white film.
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